Sunday, December 18, 2011

New Website :)

With such a busy fall this task seemed to have taken me forever! I have slowly been designing a website for my business to make it easier for clients to navigate through. My blog will eventually be linked through the new website as well. It is still a work in progress but keep checking back frequently for new things. Thank you all for you continued support, I couldn't have made it this far without you.

And just a quick shot of my sweeties as we approach Christmas :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Santa Mini-Sessions

Well, it is now December and Christmas is quickly approaching. We had the pleasure of having Santa in the studio a few weeks ago for our mini-sessions. Unfortunately, poor Santa didn't get a warm welcome from many of our children but sometimes that makes for a more humorous image :) Thank you to everyone for bringing your wee-ones out for the mini-sessions, I hope you enjoy the images.